The Foundation supported a performance of Éliane Radigue’s Occam XXVI (2018) by the percussionist Enrico Malatesta at the concert programme “Music We’d Like to Hear 2019” in London on 12 July. (07/19)
With the PRS we’ve co-commissioned Claire M Singer to create a new work for the PRS New Music Biennial. Her piece, gleann ciùin, was performed with the London Contemporary Orchestra at the Southbank London on 5 July and in Hull on 14 July. (07/19)
We supported Renaud Wiser Dance Company’s commissioning of composer Oliver Coates for Renaud’s choreography and performances of “Smoke Screens” (05/19)
Riflesso sullo spazio The Foundation helped support the commissioning of Richard’s Riflesso sullo spazio, and released a recording of this on our label. variazioni sul nome di Arnold Schönbergfor seven players (2019)40 minutes | no.43 Riflesso sullo...
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