Eternal December concludes the launch year of the Eternal series curated by Sasha Elina and supported by RTF with a showcase of the choral performance Container written and directed by Alan Fielden, with music from Tim Cape (Bastards Assignments), prefaced by an act...
The Piatti string quartet’s new album of 3 string quartets by composer Joseph Phibbs is now released on CD and digitally through Nimbus. String Quartet no.4 was commissioned by RTF, and received its London première at the CD launch concert at King’s Place on 8th...
Julia Sinclair (soprano) and Marjin Cinjee (4DSound electronics) will be performing the world première of their RTF commissioned compositions based on the chants of Hildegard of Bingen (1098-1179) at Het Concertgebouw Amsterdam, as the final concert of the Aural...
Eternal September welcomes Apartment House, one of leading collectives in the UK scene performing experimental and avant-garde music, created by cellist Anton Lukoszevieze in 1995.The programme features music by:Ramūnas MotiekaitisGretchen KorsmoTaku SugimotoBilly...
RTF, with the Carducci Music Trust as co-commissioner, has commissioned Vince Lamanga to write his first string quartet for the Carducci Quartet to play (08/24).
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