The Foundation supported a concert as part of the International Orgelpark Symposium 2022, at which Kali Malone, accompanied by Stephen O’Malley (*), played the world premiere of her Richard Thomas Foundation commission on the Van Straten organ, a copy of an...
19 October 2021 We held a launch concert for our latest release, “Ekstasis” by Gavin Higgins. David Cohen with the Piatti Quartet and Sara Roberts performed the RTF commissioned string sextet Ekstasis, and violinist Thomas Gould performed Gavin’s...
The Foundation supported a concert as part of the year of celebrating the composer Laurence Crane’s 60th birthday, at which his previous and current students presented tribute pieces, alongside 3 works by Laurence himself. Programme notes here.
18 September 2021 Hugo Capablanca and Marc Pinōl performed a reworked and spatialised version of their RTF commissioned album, Alianza, at MONOM Spatial Sound Studio in the Funkhaus, Berlin. 240 people attended this first concert at MONOM after a year of lockdown...
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